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"Hello, I'd like to personally thank you for your wonderful customer service the fact that your honey is the best tasting honey I've had in years is really just a bonus compared to how lovely you are as people. I've written a review and I've also posted in classified emerald and surrounds a review too. I hope the kindness you have extended to me reaches back to you 10 fold. Thank you so kindly. I will be ordering again."
Kellie N.
Emerald, QLD
"Just a short note to let you know I received my order today. The honey tastes absolutely amazing (I love my honey and have sampled many varieties, yours is without doubt one of the best). Thank you for packing it so well and thank you so much for the extra goodies :)) I am sure your online store will prove to be a raging success."
Frank S.
Sydney, NSW
"We've only ever had .... Australian honeys and this is 10x better! Wowza. We have about 200 jars of honey and there's no other country that has similar honey so kudos."
Nicholas Melka, Owner Miel Mtl - Canadian Honey
Montreal, Canada
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